How to get a customised urushi pen from us?
Step 1: Choose your pen
There is not point to using gold and silver and spending hours on a cheap pen that will break easily, so choose a good quality pen for customisation. Clips or roll stops will obstruct the painting process, they must be removed before shipping the pen to me. Ideally, the pen should not have metal ring on it. But, It is not a absolute rule as I can work around it. However, there is risk of damage of the rings during the crafting process. Scratch marks, engraving a surface defect will be remove so it is fine to send us a preloved pen.
Step 2: Clear your mind
Have a think about what you like us to do. For tier 1 and 2 you can select a technique or design you prefer on my previous work or other pen available from the market. Just aware I will add a twist to every design (even a simple one) to make every pen unique. For Tier 3, you will need to prepare an artist brief to aid the design. You may draw a draft, send me photo or drawing, personal or fictional stories… Contact me if you like me to send you a form or discuss on messenger .
Step 3: Call the Cat
Contact me here or on message me on Instagram. We will send you a form with a few questions. Including maker and model of the pen, what design you like, budget.
Step 4: Talk to the Cat
Once received your form. We will contact you and discuss to detail via email or direct message on Instagram. Expect the initial response time to be 4 weeks. Once we reach an agreement on the work content, I will send a e-mail signifying to confirm our agreement to perform the work you have requested. A nonrefundable deposit (£50) is need for tier 3 pen before we start the designing process.
Step 5. Sending your pen
Before you send the pen, remove anyclips or roll stops. Dissemble the pen and give it a good clean. Feeder, section, nib, clip barrel and cap should be wrap separately. (Not every part need to be send. We will let you know what we need). Make sure you pack the pen well with good protection as we do take any liability for damage during transport.
We will send you a confirmation email, once your pen arrived safely.
Step 6. Sit back and watch the transformation
We will keep you up to date with photo your pen at different stage of transformation. We will discuss if any change and choice need to be made during the process.
Step 7. Pay the cat and welcome you pen back home
I will contact you once the pen is ready to go home. Let me know your preferred reputable carrier and I will send you the payment request (+ postage costs) via paypal. I will ship the pen to you as soon as we confirm your payment. You will get a receipt form us via emal. For Tier 1 pen, you will be forward the receipt from the charity who received the 50% donate from you.
Step. 8 Look after the pen with love
Last and the most important step. Meow!
Please look after the pen with love as they all unique and take lots of hard work to create. Feel free to contact us if there is any issue.
Time Frame
It is variable depend on technique. Range for 2 months to a year. Most can be completed with 9 months one the work is started.
Important Note:
-We will not accept requests to mimic the work of another urushi craftsman or company. I even avoid reusing my own design.
- We will not paint copyrighted characters on commision work for legal reason.
-Any finished work is non-refundable. You should give us your opinion during the creation process, not leave it to the end. And services are non-refundable.
-Any unintentional damage can repair at a reasonable price (if repairable). We prefer our work to be alive and loved, rather than going to the bin.
-There is chance your pen will appear on our YouTube tutorial! Personal detail and name will not be shown.